Recent studies and research show that the potential health benefits of pomegranate juice are absolutely amazing. Pomegranate fruit has long been seen in art, mentioned in writings, and hailed by many major religions throughout the years as a symbol of fertility and health. Within the last two years or so, pomegranate juice has become wildly popular and is seen not only in juice and pure fruit form, but also in many products across the board. ?Pomegranate? seems to be the new ?buzz? word for healthy drinking and eating. So, do pomegranates live up to all of the new marketing?
Why is this important to note?
Antioxidants have been proven to be one of the keys to preventing debilitating diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration. Because pomegranate juice has antioxidants more than the ever-popular green tea and red wine, this means that the health benefits of pomegranate juice are worth considering. That?s not all that pomegranate juice is possibly good for when it comes to your health. There are many other great health benefits of pomegranate juice being revealed by ongoing studies. It?s safe to say that the swine or pig flu has been at the forefront of media coverage for the last several months. What?s interesting is that there may be a link between drinking pomegranate juice and the prevention or treatment of pig flu. The pig flu attacks people with unhealthy or lowered immune systems extremely hard. When the swine flu attacks, the body reacts with what is called a cytokine storm, causing extremely high levels within the body, and is sometimes fatal. However, limited research shows that ACE inhibitors may be effective at controlling the cytokine storms the body experiences when the pig flu attacks. Because pomegranate juice is a natural ACE inhibitor, it could help to control the body?s reaction to the swine flu.
NOTE: There is still much research to be conducted to show the health benefits of pomegranate juice in this area and arrive at any definitive conclusions, but the connection is, at the very least, interesting. Did you know that pomegranate and natural cold remedies have also been linked? Drinking pomegranate juice can help prevent a cold altogether or, if you develop cold symptoms, you could shorten overall the time you?ll suffer. Once again the powerful antioxidants contained in the pomegranate fight for your health! There are nearly 21 million people in the United States alone who suffer from the debilitating affects of osteoarthritis. The most common type of arthritis, it is one that breaks down the cartilage in the joints, causing extreme pain and discomfort. It?s not limited to one part of the body, but can occur in the feet, hips, knees, lower back, and the fingers. If you knew that one of the health benefits of pomegranate juice was eliminating your medications and creams, wouldn?t you be willing to drink a cup of it daily?
Initial findings by the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland show that by drinking the juice of pomegranates, people with arthritis reported less pain and inflammation in their joints. It seems that the juice?s extracts block enzymes that cause the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Further research needs to be conducted, but it?s possible that drinking pomegranate juice could be one of the natural remedies for arthritis and may help fight or prevent the disease. Did you know that historical accounts refer to the first pomegranate trees being planted around 3000BC?
Pomegranates have been referred to by several major religions as an excellent source for enhancing sexual desire and fertility. New research conducted at Firat University in Turkey, suggests that a man?s sperm count is increased and the quality of his sperm is boosted as well when he drinks pomegranate juice on a regular basis. Taking charge of your fertility with pomegranate juice can also help men with erectile dysfunction, improving their intimate lives significantly. Wouldn?t drinking pomegranate juice be much more pleasant than taking Viagra and risking possible side effects from the medication? More good news for men: another one of the possible health benefits of pomegranate juice may be that it is effective in prostate cancer treatment options! Pomegranates contain ellagic acid, which is believed to bind together cancerous cells in the body and prevent them from fully forming. One study conducted by the University of Wisconsin revealed that men who drank 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day decreased the level of PSA, prostrate specific antigen, which is an indicator of possibly developing prostate cancer. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported in May 2000 that natural ways to lower cholesterol with pomegranate juice can actually keep the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) from oxidizing, which means it may help prevent heart disease. When our LDL levels get out of control, it can lead to heart problems. Drinking the juice of pomegranates seems to prevent blood platelets from clumping, which translates into fewer life-threatening blood clots and a prevention of possible heart health problems. Pomegranate juice as one of the heart healthy tips seem to be an excellent resource for those looking to improve their health. Physicians are recommending this juice more often to patients with potential or existing heart problems due to its blood thinning capabilities. When the blood flows properly within the body, the heart muscle receives all the blood it needs to function at an optimal level, which then translates into a healthier heart more resistant to disease. Given that one of the health benefits of pomegranate juice prevents blood platelets from clumping and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, research indicates that it?s possible that pomegranate juice may be a way of how to prevent a stroke, as well as preventing heart disease. Reversing atherosclerosis by drinking pomegranate juice may give us healthy blood vessels, so once again it makes sense to incorporate the juice of pomegranates into your diet as a preventive measure against this potentially life-threatening medical condition. Just by drinking 8 ounces of juice per day, you could enjoy so many of the health benefits of pomegranate juice rather than face a serious disease! Did you know that nearly 2 out of 3 Americans are walking around with abnormally high blood pressure levels?
When the force of the blood flowing through the arteries is measured, it should be within a safe range of 120/80. When blood pressure levels are higher than that, it means that an abnormal increase in pressure against the arterial walls is occurring, which can lead to other potentially dangerous medical conditions? Researchers have discovered that oxidative stress is linked to high blood pressure levels. One of the possible health benefits of pomegranate juice is that it seems to lower or inhibit oxidative stress, which in turn could help to lower blood pressure naturally. People with diabetes are more prone to developing heart disease and atherosclerosis. A study conducted in Israel surmise that pomegranate juice is one of the natural cures for diabetes that could possibly lower their risk of these other diseases.
It?s possible that women?s fertility can also be included in the list of health benefits of pomegranate juice. Fertility specialists typically recommend specific supplements to couples who are experiencing difficulty conceiving. The most highly recommended supplements are zinc, selenium, folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. Guess where you can find each and every one of these vitamins and minerals?
The pomegranate contains all of these, so doesn?t it make sense that drinking pomegranate juice could positively affect fertility?
For years, physicians have prescribed medications in hopes of helping women with the symptoms of menopause, while also preventing these (sometimes) fatal diseases. However, it?s becoming more evident that these menopause medications could cause more harm than good. Research has shown that when women drink pomegranate juice for menopause treatments and bone loss daily, the symptoms of menopause lessen and the risk of developing heart disease and cancer actually decreases. It?s been proven that antioxidants and flavonoids are effective for preventing skin damage and ultimately a natural cancer treatment for skin cancer. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are known to cause cancer. Here is the good news: pomegranate juice contains high levels of both antioxidants and flavonoids, which means it?s an excellent source for protecting your skin and lowering your risk of developing skin cancer. It also means you can increase the health of your skin overall, preventing the appearance of past sun damage and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. This is possibly one of the best health benefits of pomegranate juice for those who want to stop spending a fortune on anti-wrinkle creams. Instead, consider replacing your current facial care with pomegranate wrinkle free skin care products and a regimen of pomegranate antioxidant skin care products for younger and healthier skin. In addition, there is good news for those suffering from breakouts and blemishes! Pomegranate skin care acne control has been linked in that drinking the juice of the fruit can actually help reduce the number of breakouts you experience. You can also apply a home remedy made from the juice directly to blemishes in order to make them go away quickly. In the area of lung cancer research, the University of Wisconsin-Madison is exploring the connection between lung cancer prevention and pomegranate juice. It makes sense that because pomegranate juice has been positively linked to helping preventing other types of cancer, it could also help in an alternative lung cancer treatment. The findings are preliminary at present, but ongoing research with mice will hopefully reveal more positive results in the future. Worldwide, there are roughly 13 million people who have been struck with Alzheimer?s disease. One of the causes of Alzheimer?s is thought to be a build-up of plaque, which cause irreparable damage to brain cells and eventually, death as a result of what?s called oxidative stress. Alzheimers research is showing that polyphenols (which are antioxidants found in the juice of a pomegranate) could be quite effective at protection brain cells from experiencing oxidative stress. One cup a day of pomegranate juice could help prevent the development of this horrible disease called Alzheimer?s. Families who have watched a loved one endure Alzheimer?s may see this as one of the most important health benefits of pomegranate juice. Digestive disorders are responding well to the ingestion of pomegranate juice too. The juice enhances the secretion of naturally occurring enzymes and it?s easy to digest overall. Drinking pomegranate juice is supposedly one of the most popular home remedies for diarrhea treatment, constipation, dysentery, and even for eliminating intestinal parasites. So far it sounds like pomegranates live up to their good name, doesn?t it?
But there?s more!
There is also ongoing research into the health benefits of pomegranate juice on liver health, cholesterol, bone loss, and even your teeth! It?s said that by drinking pomegranate juice, tartar and dental plaque build-up on teeth is naturally prevented and could contribute to overall healthy teeth. You can also protect your lips from sun damage by using energizing pomegranate lip therapy products that are now coming out on the market. As you can see, the health benefits of pomegranate juice are practically undeniable. Think of it this way: the juice from pomegranates is delicious and nutritious. It seems (thus far) that drinking the juice can only be beneficial for both your short term and your long-term health. So, why not enjoy it and reap the health benefits of pomegranate juice at the same time?
People of any age can easily incorporate this delicious juice into their daily menu every day. Grab a glass of pomegranate juice today! Read enough about health benefits of pomegranate juice and want to discover more about the pomegranate?
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