Hi! Come see the recent health news ? pomegranate news : January 4 2011 What's new in our Pomegranate Site?
We added a right column to our pages, for the meantime we used the same images for all the pages, in the near future we hope to use different images for every page.
December 28 2010 What's new in our Pomegranate Site?During October 2010 we wrote a new content about Antioxidant drinks, enjoy the big selection of drinks, all made from pomegranates, they are perfect for the Holidays!
During December 2010 we wrote a new content about Fruit Diets, you are invited to read about our best Natural Pomegranate Fruit Diets.
October 14 2010 Hot Pomegranate Season! I just want to remind you, that we are in the peak of the fruit season. You can buy fresh pomegranates in the local stores, supermarkets and markets. The pomegranates can be refrigerated until around February - March. With these pomegranates you can decorate your day, eat the seeds straight from the fruit, make juice, add them to your morning yogurt or cereal, and add them to your salads and more. You can even make enough juice to freeze for when you will not be able to buy fresh pomegranates in the stores. The best way to freeze them is in glass bottles because freezing in plastic bottles are not healthy. You can also cook the pomegranate peels and use the cooked water for hemorrhoids treatment. This water can be refrigerated for a few months, the water needs to be shaked up before use. Enjoy them any way you wish, they are tasty and have many health benefits. October 12 2010 Breaking Pomegranate News! As I have told you on September 14 2010 news, on how to wrap the pomegranates in nylon socks instead of a paper bags. I just heard that the pomegranates that were wrapped in a white paper bag this year turned out white instead of red; I think it?s because of the very hot summer that we had, and therefore can only be sold for juice and not as a fruit. This happened in a few big commercial pomegranate fields that all the pomegranates were wrapped in paper bags. This caused major economic loss to these fields. The commercial whole sellers need to try to come up with some idea of how to wrap the pomegranates in a type of nylon net that will let the pomegranate breath, get sun and water and turn out in the right color. So remember for the new season to wrap the pomegranates in nylon socks or nylon nets.October 3 2010
The peels of 5-6 pomegranates need to be cooked in 2 liters of pure water.
The cooked water should be put into jars and refrigerated after cooling off.
You need to drink one glass in the morning and one glass in the evening.
It works wonderfully, true it is a bit bitter but worth it.
September 14 2010
Now that the Pomegranate Season is at it's fullest.
We need to keep those pesty insects away from our lovely fruits.
I just heard of a great way to protect pomegranates from insects.It is as easy as 1 2 3:
no chemicals, no poison and environmental friendly...
I wish you all a prosperous pomegranate season full with wonderful sweet and red pomegranates.
Eat and enjoy all its amazing health benefits.
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