Easy Wine Making 10-15 ripe pomegranates 1/2 lb. barley 3 lb. granulated sugar 1 lemon, juiced 1 gallon water wine yeast and nutrient Peel the fruit and remove the seed-juice sacs from the bitter white membrane dividers.
Ten fruit are sufficient if 5-6 inches in diameter, 15 are required for 3-4 inch diameters.
Meanwhile, bring the water to boil with the barley in it.
Simmer for about 5 minutes, and then strain onto the pomegranate seeds, sugar, and lemon juice in the primary fermentation vessel.
Stir well.
When cool (70-75 degrees F.), add the activated yeast and nutrient.
Cover and allow to ferment vigorously five days, then strain into secondary fermentation jar and fit with fermentation trap.
When wine clears, rack and bottle.
May be good in six months, but improves at one year. Read enough about easy wine making and want to discover more about the antioxidant drink?
Pomegranate Home Page

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