We’ve discussed all of the benefits of enriching your diet with pomegranate, now here’s a chance (and not an alcoholic one this time ).
Here is what you need
1-1/2 cups (2 whole pomegranates) pomegranate seed pips1/2 cup currants3/4 cup slivered almonds1 medium ripe papaya, peeled, seeded, and cut into chunksJuice of 2 oranges (about 1/2 cup orange juice)4 ounces low-fat cream cheese, at room temperature1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon6 dried plums6 lime slices12 mint leavesFollow the diretions below and you will get 6 creamy pomegranate parfait desserts:
Stir the pomegranate, currants, and almonds until completely stirred together. Separate the mix evenly between six goblet glasses.
Next get out you food processor. Put the OJ, papaya, cinnamon, and cream cheeseninto the device. Run the device until pureed.
Divide papaya sauce evenly between the goblets, covering the pomegranate mixture.
If you’d like, you can garnish each with 1 dried plum, 1 lime slice, and 2 mint leaves.
Chill in the refrigerator for about an hour before serving.

General dessert, parfair, pomegranate benefits, recipe
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