Healthy diet foods are raw foods, whole foods; foods that are considered ?live? rather than processed or ?dead? foods. Basically, a food is healthiest for you when it is eaten in its natural state. So many foods today are quick and easy but they?re also processed and contain unhealthy amounts of sodium and fat. Societies everywhere have seen an increase in obesity due to the convenience and ease of fast food and microwave cooking.
Think of food this way: food that is natural and in its raw state for the most part, it is healthy for you. Let?s take a look at a list of healthy diet foods that everyone should include in their daily regimen whether they?re interested in losing weight or simply becoming a healthier person overall.
Healthy and Delicious Food Choices Make Eating Interesting and Fun!
These are just a few of the foods available that are healthy and really good for you. Try a few new ones each week and soon your list of healthy foods will become longer ? then you?ll have even more choices for meals that are good for you.
Fruits ? this seems like such an easy choice, but so many people will reach for the candy or cookies before reaching for a sweet piece of fruit. Did you know that pomegranate fruit is one of the most highly recommended fruits to include in your healthy diet foods? It is an essential food for keeping the heart healthy, cholesterol down, fighting disease, and even for losing weight. Other great fruit choices include, but aren?t limited to: apples, bananas, kiwi, citrus fruit, grapes, tomatoes, and pineapple.
Vegetables ? vegetables have crunch and excellent flavor in their raw state, but can also be steamed or roasted with olive oil and garlic to bring out even more flavor. It?s easy to snack on some baby carrots and celery or to roast vegetables like green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, and broccoli.
Whole grains ? make the switch from white flour-based grains to whole grain choices. Eat brown rice instead of white rice, whole-grain pasta instead of white pasta, and so forth. Include whole grain bread, legumes, and beans too!
Lean protein ? lean meat of any kind is usually fine for a healthy diet. Just make sure the excess fat and the skin has been removed before cooking and eating. Fish is an excellent lean protein choice as well.
Fats ? yes, there are a few healthy fats that work in a healthy foods diet! Extra virgin olive oil, safflower oil, butter in small amounts, and flaxseed oil are excellent choices. As you see we have a pretty good choice of healthy diet foods.
Why Eat Healthier?
That?s a good question! The foods listed above contain essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants ? these are all vital to the body. The body needs these things in order for all the organs and processes to happen naturally and to function properly. Plus, the healthier you eat, the more likely you are to enjoy a longer life!
Wouldn?t you like to have younger looking skin and have more energy? Sticking to a healthy foods diet can do that for you! You might even lose a few unwanted pounds in the process, which means you?ll feel even better!
Read enough about healthy diet foods and want to discover more about the fruit diets?Pomegranate Home Page

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