By now we all know pomegranate provides our bodies with excellent health benefits… but what exactly are the pomegranate fruit’s nutritional values?

One pomegranate fruit contains tons of nutrition… and best of all, it’s low in calories. In just one pomegranate fruit there is around 100 calories and only about 25g of sugar. But that’s only the beginning of the nutrition pomegranate provides:

a great source of potassiummore antioxidants compared to other juices and even wine!vitamin B and Vitamin Cgreat source of fiberhelps prevent heart diseasekeeps your immune system in top notch conditionsprevents buildup of material in your arteries

As you can see, drinking or eating pomegranate is a great choice for your health. With a low calorie count and so many health benefits you don’t need to feel any guilt as you indulge in the delicious pomegranate fruit.

common misspellings: pomagranate, pomegranat, pomegranite, pomegrante, pomegrenate, pomengranate, pomerantz, pommegranite, pomogranate

The history of pomegranate goes way back to Greek mythology. The Greek myth tells the story of how Persephone is kidnapped by Hades. And she ate pomegranate seeds before her rescue. As a result, she has to spend a couple of months with Hades every year in the underworld. The myth explains that this is how winter came upon the earth.

But the story of pomegranates has changed over the centuries. Now the hype is all about the health benefits the fruit provides.

Pomegranates are mostly grown around the Middle East and in some parts of the United States as well. They need a humid, Mediterranean-type climate for best growth.

And today, the pomegranate fruit is writing a new history for itself as we discover its supremacy in terms of antioxidant power. Research has shown pomegranates to have more antioxidants then other fruits… and even red wine.

common misspellings: pomagranate, pomegranat, pomegranite, pomegrante, pomegrenate, pomengranate, pomerantz, pommegranite, pomogranate

For many, planting a pomegranate tree in their backyard is something on their “to-do” list. Having a wonderful and health beneficial pomegranate tree can be a great thing.

However, if you are planning on planting a pomegranate tree, take notice that the tree is best grown in hot, Mediterranean climates. Fortunately, you don’t need a large amount of space for a pomegranate tree. These usually tend to grow about 4 or 5 meters high and are ideal for a small backyard.

If you have some free time or love gardening and taking care of your plants, then a pomegranate tree might well be for you. While growing this tree may not be difficult compared to other plants, it does require maintenance and care. Keep an eye on your pomegranate tree and take out dead stems… pruning around the end of the cold season.

The branches of the pomegranate tree are not short. They should grow in an downward arch. Keeping the pomegranate tree free of fruit flies and pests is a bit of work as well, but its worth all the care in the end.

Two great reasons to consider planting a tree: For the health benefits of the pomegranate fruit or because the tree looks wonderful and is a great natural decor to your backyard.

Plant trees 6 to 8 feet apart. Dig a hole larger than the planting container. Break up the soil around the planter. Place the container in the hole so that the top of it is sitting roughly at ground level. Fill in the space around the planting container…then pile it up higher and pack it down to get rid of gaps and air holes. Hopefully, the tree will produce fruit in the second year. Pick the fruit off immediately and let the tree put all its energy into growth rather than production.

You’ll know when the tree has not yet reached fruit-bearing maturity because, until then, it will flower and then drop the flowers instead. Pomegranates ripen in the fall (between early August and late September). When the fruit has reached full color, pick one off and open it up. If there are fully-colored seeds and juice inside…then it’s reached ripeness.

common misspellings: pomagranate, pomegranat, pomegranite, pomegrante, pomegrenate, pomengranate, pomerantz, pommegranite, pomogranate

Is the way pomegranates storage done really all that important to the shelf life of the fruit? The short answer is yes, the way you store this fruit can mean all the difference depending on how long you wish to keep fresh, whole fruit or the arils on hand for use.

Here are some excellent guidelines on how to store your pomegranates at home.

Never leave the fruit in the way of direct sunlight, but rather store it in a place that is darker or shaded. Whole pomegranate fruit that has not been punctured or sliced into will keep in the pantry or on the counter for up to 30 days stored in this manner.You can freeze the arils or seeds to use later for salads, main dishes, juices, syrups, or just snacking. Prepare the arils for freezing by spreading them out on a wax-paper lined sheet or jellyroll pan. Place them into the freezer on the sheet so they can freeze individually. Remove after about 2 hours and then toss them into a plastic freezer bag or a container. You can store arils in the freezer for 6 months to a year!Planning to eat the pomegranate fruit relatively soon, but want it cold? Storing the fruit inside the refrigerator in its whole state will keep it fresh and delicious for nearly 2 months. Extend the longevity of the fruit to a whopping three months by storing it inside a plastic bag in the refrigerator.If you plan to use the arils within three days, go ahead and remove the arils from the membrane and store them inside the refrigerator in a sealed container.

A Few Helpful Tips

Pomegranates that will be kept whole until you’re ready to use them should be free of any noticeable bruising, cuts, or blemishes on the skin of the fruit. Make sure the fruit appears fresh and has good color – a deep purplish-red color or a yellowish-orange color.The skin of the fruit should be smooth, not crackled or rough.There are special bags that you can purchase for pomegranates storage if you choose to keep them for an extended period of time in whole fruit form.

Read enough about pomegranates storage and want to discover more about pomegranate information?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

When you cut open a pomegranate you will be amazed at the number of ruby-colored seeds inside.

Many are doubtful about eating the pomegranate seeds whole, since most just extract the juice. However, most of the fiber and antioxidants actually come from the pomegranate seeds.

It really comes down to personal preference… but eating pomegranate seeds is completely safe and allows you to enjoy the full benefits of the pomegranate fruit. Many just chew on all the seeds to get all the juice and then spit the seeds out.

If you don’t like the pomegranate seeds then you can make pomegranate juice… or there’s another nice method I use a lot. Take the pomegranate fruit, intact, and roll it over a hard surface just enough to release the juice from the seeds inside but not breaking the fruit’s skin. Then make a small hole and with a straw drink the juice!

Pomegranate seeds are easily separated from the white membrane that surrounds them by putting it all in a bowl of cold water, then carefully separating the pomegranate seeds. You’ll notice the white membrane floats to the top.

If you’re interested in buying pomegranate seeds to grow a pomegranate plant, be sure you have plenty of space for planting. Pomegranates grow on large trees and require time and patience. Smaller pomegranate trees that can be grown in small gardens. Make sure you buy the correct pomegranate seeds.

common misspellings: pomagranate, pomegranat, pomegranite, pomegrante, pomegrenate, pomengranate, pomerantz, pommegranite, pomogranate

Many are starting to switch their morning orange juice to pomegranite juice. Why? Very simply, studies have shown that the juice of the pomegranate fruit is the most potent of all when it comes to antioxidants. Pomegranate Juice can be found in a variety of forms including Pomegranate Concentrate, Pomegranate Tea ,Pomegranate Seed Oil, Pomegranate Molasses and even Pomegranate Sauce !. There are even Pomegranate Capsules & Pomegranate Tablets which you can buy as a supplement if you find preparing them slow! Obviously buying pure pomegranate juice would have the best health benefit. Pomegranates are meant to be an excellent way of lowering cholesterol and also there is also a Pomegranate Detox and diet program!

Aside from its great taste, pomegranite juice helps our bodies in a number of ways. Studies have shown that pomegranate helps prevent hardening of the arteries as well. This is most commonly known as atherosclerosis. By preventing the buildup of material in our arteries, pomegranite juice also reduces the chances of heart attack and stroke. By switching to pomegranite juice, you’re protecting yourself from heart disease, cholesterol and even stress!

So you may be wondering, what about other natural fruit juices? They’re good for your health as well, but pomegranate tops them all! In a study of other fruit juices such as grape juice, blueberry, orange and even wine, pomegranite juice topped above them all with the highest amount of natural antioxidants. I myself was a daily green tea drinker. But guess what? Pomegranate contains more antioxidants than green tea, too. Simply stated, pomegranite juice contains the high amount of the antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy and strong.

Pomegranite juice also works well as a blood thinner, suggesting that it might be an excellent agent for promoting blood flow to the heart. In addition to reducing plaque in the arteries, it raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol.

Research has also evaluated the antioxidant nature of pom juice and its potential usefulness in fighting certain forms of cancer. Pom juice has been shown to reduce incidence of both breast and skin cancer. And it has also been shown to slow the growth of prostate cancer in mice.

In terms of the effects of pomegranite juice on osteoarthritis… pom juice acts as an enzyme inhibitor to protect against cartilage damage, when applied directly. It’s hoped that further research will establish a cause and effect relationship between oral ingestion of pom juice and a reduction in in the deterioration of cartilage.

No further studies are required to prove that pomegranite juice it healthy to drink. There are numerous pom juice products available… some quite highly priced because of its high degree of popularity. But it’s likely that the price will continue to come down as market forces find better and cheaper ways of making it available.

Pomegranate juice helps with a multitude of things like reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even the hardening of arteries. Studies by scientists are showing that pomegranate juice is more helpful than earlier thought. This research is being performed by scientists with degrees like a public health masters online or any laboratory-based degree. The makeup of these super foods is no walk in the park, and having the proper education will help prepare for the work

The history of pomegranate in Christianity is rooted in the Bible, God's holy Word. There are many mentions of the fruit in the Bible. Current day tradition of the Catholic church holds that the pomegranate fruit is a symbol representing eternal life and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.

Bible Verses and Pomegranate in Christianity

What Bible verses refer to this tangy red fruit? These are but a few…

Exodus 28:33-34 – talks about incorporating pomegranate fruit into the hem of the robes for Aaron, Moses' brother – said to symbolize fruitfulnessDeuteronomy 8:8 – the Lord is speaking to the Israelites of the promised land, which will be "a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey"Numbers 13:23 – Israelites who were sent into Canaan to look around returned with grapes, pomegranates and figsI Kings 7:18,20 – these verses refer to Solomon's temple where pomegranates were included on the pillars – several hundred of them!II Chronicles 3:16 – refers to a chain of pomegranate fruits on Solomon's temple pillarsI Kings 7:42 – refers to 400 pomegranates to represent two networks (Solomon's temple)II Chronicles 4:13 – another mention of the 400 pomegranatesSong of Songs 4:3; 6:7 – Solomon's love referring to his templesSong of Songs 7:12 – refers to pomegranate trees in the vineyardsJoel 1:12 – pomegranates have withered and dried up, joy has gone

Symbolism of Pomegranate in Christianity

What does this fruit symbolize in Christianity?

Holy robes, vestments, and church decorative hangings include broken pomegranates woven into the fabric as a representation of the rising of Jesus Christ from the grave after being dead for three days. The red juice represents his blood and suffering and the bursting forth of the seeds from the fruit represents his resurrection.

It's also said that the seeds represent the people of the church, royalty, and the promise of eternal life.

Additional Interesting Facts

Popular artwork or paintings by Sandro Botticelli, Filippino and Raphael Lippi depict the child of Christ in his mother's arms and holding a pomegranate fruit.Some churches decorate the church with pom fruits following PentecostThe fruit was used to make wine during biblical timesSome people believe Eve gave Adam a pomegranate fruit in the garden of Eden rather than an apple as we think of today

The symbolism of pomegranate fruit in Christianity pretty much holds with representing the death, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ along with the hope of eternal and everlasting life. It's not so much a symbol of prosperity as the world sees prosperity, but rather a spiritual abundance as opposed to a financial abundance.

The fact that world religions attribute the symbolism of the pomegranate to personal wealth and worldly abundance says something much different than what pomegranate in Christianity says about life and death.

Read enough about pomegranate in Christianity and want to discover more about pomegranate in religion and mythology?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

Pomegranates are quite delicious and can be used in a variety of recipes. The trickiest part is learning how to eat them… or more to the point, learning how to prepare them for eating.

Some grocery chains now offer the fruit in a ready-to-eat state. Purchasing pomegranates this way costs more, but the convenience it well worth the extra money.

The biggest problem is the juice. Pomegranate juice can easily stain your hands, clothing and countertops, if you aren’t careful.

(Because of these staining issues, many pomegranate lovers choose to only eat them at home. Some will go so far as to suggest they only be enjoyed, while relaxing in a hot bath.)

Many people claim that the easiest way to eat a pomegranate is to score the skin multiple times and then soak the fruit in a bowl of water, for up to 10 minutes. Because they will float, it is best to weigh them down, slightly.

After the fruit has gone through this soaking process, the pith will pull away from the seeds (or arils, as they are referred to) relatively easy. Remember, the pomegranate should remain in the water, while peeling.

Once peeled, pour off the water. Since the seeds are heavier than the pith, they will remain on the bottom of the bowl… for the most part. The pith will drain away with the water.

At this point, it is very simple to retrieve the seeds from the bowl and eat as desired. They are extremely yummy just by themselves.

A second way to eat a pomegranate is similar to the first in the respect that a bowl of water is needed. Score the fruit several times and then cut or break into fourths. Hold each quarter over the bowl and hit the skin side, firmly, with the back of a large spoon.

After the arils fall into the bowl, follow the remaining steps as mentioned above.

Pomegranate seeds can be safely stored in the refrigerator or even frozen, for later use. However, this fruit is so delicious that it is most often consumed in one setting. Have you eaten YOUR pomegranate, today?

Antioxidants provide our bodies with numerous health benefits, and it’s only logical to include fruits and foods that contain antioxidants in our daily diet.

Pomegranates have just that… a high level of antioxidants. Aside from its rich flavor and the number of ways to eat and drink it, studies have shown that pomegranate contains more antioxidants than green tea, cranberries and even red wine!

By including pomegranate in your daily diet you can improve your blood flow and, in so doing… help prevent heart diseases such as heart attacks, stroke or clogged arteries.

Pomegranate also promotes healthy blood pressure levels and low cholesterol. Pomegranate juice can be helpful for men as well… as studies have concluded that it may help prevent prostate cancer and growth.

The pomegranate fruit contains many antioxidants for our bodies and eating it daily is beneficial for your health. However remember to always mix plenty of different fruits in your diet. While pomegranate is great, you should always include other fruits and juices as well.

common misspellings: pomagranate, pomegranat, pomegranite, pomegrante, pomegrenate, pomengranate, pomerantz, pommegranite, pomogranate

The presence of pomegranate in Greek mythology is evident when you read about the history of the pomegranate and when you observe their traditions even today that are based on that history or legend that supposedly took place so many years ago.

Ancient Tradition - Pomegranate Greek Mythology

The story of Persephone and Hades is well known in Greek mythology. Legend has it that this young and innocent daughter of a goddess was taken against her will by Hades to be his queen in his underworld of the dead. She refused to eat or drink because she was so sad, but finally she ate six pomegranate seeds. Once her mother discovered where she was, she struck a deal with Hades. Hades said that he would allow Persephone to go back to the world if she hadn't eaten any food of the world of the dead. Since she ate only those six seeds, it was agreed that she would be permitted to spend 6 months in the world and 6 months in the underworld. Some people believe that the season of spring is when Persephone came up to the world and the fall season is when she returned to the underworld.

Other Pomegranate Greek Mythology Legends

Sculptures of Hera, goddess of the home, show a pomegranate in her right handAphrodite, a Greek goddess, planted the first pomegranate tree in GreecePeople of Athens ate the fruit in hopes of gaining wealth and many childrenCeremonies in Athens honored the gods and goddesses of that time with pomegranate fruit

Today's Traditions and Pomegranate Greek Mythology

How is the pomegranate fruit incorporated in the traditions and customs of the Greek people today? There are many times the pom fruit is seen in their celebrations and religious gatherings.

An accepted and special housewarming gift is a pomegranate. The person visiting the new homeowner takes a fruit and places it near or underneath the home altar of the home. The fruit represents your wishes for the couple to have great wealth, many children, and the best of luck.Many Greek homes are decorated with paintings or other artwork depicting pomegranates because it represents fertility for the couple and abundance as well.At a traditional Greek wedding, it is customary to break a pomegranate fruit on the ground as a way of wishing the newly married couple good luck, prosperity, and many children. This tradition is also carried out on New Years Day.At funerals, the Greek people honor their dead by making an offering of what is called kollyva. It is a mixture of boiled wheat with sugar added and then decorated with the arils or seeds of the pomegranate fruit on top.Pomegranates are placed on the dinner table on special days like Christmas Day and the celebration day of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, to name a few.

The pomegranate tradition has been carried through many years of history in the Greeks and it still has a place of honor today in both life and death of the Greek people.

Read enough about pomegranate Greek mythology and want to discover more about pomegranate in religion and mythology?

Pomegranate peels are gaining popularity for many reasons when it comes to the fantastic health benefits they can provide. There are several other uses for pomegranate peels as well, but let’s look first at the phenomenal healthy content in the peels of this amazing fruit.

Did you know that the peels of a pomegranate fruit contain double the antioxidants that the pulp contains? Now, we not only can benefit from the juice of the arils, but the antioxidants contained in the peel too. Imagine it – the peels and the fruit both being extremely beneficial to our health!

A Study on Pomegranate Peels vs. Pomegranate Pulp

Some Chinese researchers claim that the peels have great potential as a supplement to our health. Scientists in China at the Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine performed tests on the peels vs. the pulp to see what levels of specific antioxidants and vitamins were contained in each. Their findings were very interesting.

Pomegranate peels yield more of the powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolics, and proanythocyanidins than what the pulp yields. Even the tests performed to test antioxidant activity showed that the peels of the pomegranate fruit had higher activity levels than the pulp. These findings are interesting in that the antioxidant activity in the peels was more successful in protecting LDL cholesterol against oxidation.

Why is that important? Because oxidative stress can lead to heart disease and other medical conditions, high antioxidant activity can be one way to fight this state that is so harmful to the body. There isn’t any hard evidence yet to quote, but it is thought that the peel of the pomegranate could be a powerful “tool” against heart disease and other limiting (and sometimes fatal) medical conditions.

The Vitamin C level was pretty much equal between the pulp and the peel.

Other Interesting Uses for Pomegranate Peels

Did you know? The peels of pomegranate fruits are used to prepare some tooth powders and toothpastes
Peels can be fed to cattle as a supplement to their regular feed to yield higher antioxidant levels in the meat
Dry peels of pomegranate are used in conjunction with ginger and Tulsi leaves to prepare a home remedy for coughing
The peels have been used for adding “dye” or color to fabrics
The extract from peels of pomegranates show possible promise for stabilizing sunflower oil (antioxidant activity)
Peels are included in some facial care products (powder form)
Some countries used dried peels of pomegranates in their cooking
Dried peels can be used in tea

The peels of pomegranates were once considered to be the wasted part of this amazingly healthy fruit. However, as the research continues into the health benefits of pomegranate fruit, seeds, and now the peels, it is obvious that this ancient fruit of Biblical times could be beneficial in more ways than we could imagine at present.

Research continues as scientists look to the pomegranate fruit for further health benefits and uses. This little fruit is truly amazing, so check out the other health benefits a red, softball-sized fruit from across the ocean or from across the country (depending on where you call home) can offer you!

Read enough about pomegranate peels and want to discover more about this healthy fruit?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

You’ve heard it before: drinking water help to loss weight! Everyone should drink an ample amount of water each day to keep the body hydrated and functioning at an optimal level. It’s a good idea to start consciously drinking more water if it’s not yet a habit for you. Teach your children now to drink plenty of water so they don’t struggle so much as an adult with getting the right amount of water in their diet.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

Do you know how much water you should drink each day to properly hydrate your body? The average person who isn’t carrying around any extra weight should drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Anyone who is carrying extra weight around should drink another 8 ounces for every 25 additional pounds of weight you’re carrying on your body. It may sound like a lot to drink in one day if you’re not accustomed to drinking it on a daily basis, but once you’re in the habit, it’s not so difficult.

Carry a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go!. Sipping on water throughout the day counts too!
Spread your water consumption over the entire day with the idea of quitting about three hours prior to retiring to bed for the night.
Dehydration happens quickly – keep drinking throughout the day even if you’re not feeling thirsty. Once you’re thirsty, your body has already started the dehydration decline.
Drink a full glass of water after each meal and then sip throughout the rest of the day.
Anyone in a hot or humid climate should drink a bit more to stay properly hydrated.
It matters not if the water is hot, warm, or cold – just drink it!

Some people have a true aversion to plain water, so if that applies to you, try adding a bit of pomegranate juice or a slice of lime or lemon to your water. The additional flavor won’t add many calories and it will help you get your allotted amount of water in much easier every day. Pomegranate juice is really the only one you can do this with because it doesn’t raise the body’s blood sugar levels like other juices.

What Other Liquids Other Than Water Help to Loss Weight?

You can drink juices to get some of your hydration, but pomegranate juice is the best choice overall for getting the liquid into your body without incurring the sugar high or low that can sometimes accompany the act of drinking juice. It’s okay to drink juices, but try to keep it to a minimum compared to the amount of water you’re drinking. Most juices will hydrate, but the side effects include high sugar content and empty calories. The bulk of your liquid should be from water!

Drink Your Water!

It’s vital really to think of water help to loss weight so you can focus on the good you’re doing for your body rather than thinking about what you can and cannot drink or eat. Losing weight is a process or a journey if you will. Take the time to learn proper eating habits, exercises, and how to properly hydrate your body and you’ll lose weight more quickly, effectively, and safely.

Read enough about water help to loss weight and want to discover more about the fruit diets?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

A healthy liver diet is vitally important if you are interested in staying healthy and enjoying a long life. Why is this true? The liver functions like a filter inside the body. When it’s functioning properly, it detoxifies the body naturally. The liver cleanses the food we eat, the liquids we drink, the air we breathe, and even the chemicals and allergens that attack us through our skin. Perhaps you already knew that, but do you know what else the liver does for you?

The Liver – A Powerhouse!

It’s a powerhouse organ! It not only detoxifies and protects the body, but it also actively takes the nutrients the body receives from food and uses them to help the body fight disease, clot the blood, and gives you energy. The liver also works overtime to eliminate any harmful chemicals and bacteria in the blood.

The bile inside the liver also aids digestion and provides a way for the body to absorb the nutrients it needs every day. Perhaps you’ve heard of cirrhosis of the liver? The liver metabolizes alcohol as it moves through the body, but when it receives too much of it, the liver ceases to function and can actually become diseased.

Cleansing the Liver With a Healthy Liver Diet

It’s extremely important that you eat the right foods in order to keep your liver functioning properly. Think of cleansing the liver like this: the foods you eat are processed through the liver, so it’s important to eat healthy foods so that the liver is cleansed instead of harmed. Treat your liver right by eating the right nutrition and it will treat you well all the days of your life.

What Nutrients and Foods Are Important for Liver Cleansing?

Foods with a high amount of nutrients and antioxidant packed foods are absolutely essential for keeping your liver clean and healthy. Foods containing high amounts of Vitamin E, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C are recommended for cleansing the liver. It’s also important to include high fiber foods, foods that have a high amount of selenium, iron, and magnesium in a healthy liver diet.

Foods That Meet the Requirements

Pomegranate fruit
Mustard greens
Brown rice
Olive oil
Wheat germ
Almonds, walnuts
Meat – liver, chicken

Pomegranate fruit meets all the requirements for a food that is recommended for a healthy liver diet! This apple-like fruit is literally jam-packed with antioxidants like beta-carotene and contains a high amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B. The tangy tasting arils, seeds, are an excellent source of fiber.

Changing the way you eat and including moderate exercise and time spent in the fresh air each day can drastically reduce your chances of experiencing health issues with your liver. It’s important to note that the liver, unless it is almost too late, will not signal the body there is something wrong. Be sure to take preventative measures now and you’ll enjoy a healthy liver for a lifetime!

Read enough about healthy liver diet and want to discover more about the fruit diets?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

What is the best juice for you? Which one or ones should you be drinking to boost your health and maintain it? The good news is that the variety of juices available to you is amazing and just about any juice made from fruits and vegetables is excellent for you!

Juice from raw, whole vegetables and fruits packs a wallop when it comes to giving your immune system a boost, supporting healthy body functions, and protecting your body from illness and harmful disease.

Fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants to help your body function at it's very best and antioxidants help you fight infection, stave off the seemingly inevitable cold or flu every winter, and they're great for fighting off long-term medical conditions as well.

So, Which Juice Should I Drink?

Good question! We've provided a great list of juices you can choose from and each of them is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to give you a lot of what you need for a healthy body.

Best Juices For Excellent Health

Cucumber juice – clearer skin and brighter countenance, more energy
Veggie juice – combine some of your favorite vegetables into one juice – delicious!
Pomegranate juice – one of the best juices you can drink because it contains more antioxidants than other juices, clears up skin, and makes hair shine
Vegetables and fruits mixed together – combine delicious fruits and vegetables together in one juice to get a different flavor and an excellent combination of vitamins and minerals in one glass
Blueberry juice – boosts your memory and recall
Celery juice – enhances sex drive
Cranberry juice – helps prevent urinary tract infections and staves off the flu and cold symptoms
Spinach juice – helps you sleep more soundly and boosts mood
Red grape juice – reduces cholesterol and reduces risk of blood clots
Acai juice – high in antioxidants
Green juice – toss a bunch of green veggies in a blender and you'll have a juice packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that will all work together to increase your brain function, detoxification of the blood, and boosts your immune system
Coconut juice – hydrates the body and improves digestion
Cherry juice – anti-inflammatory properties and high ORAC levels, which help the body fight free radicals
Carrot juice – packed with Vitamins A and C, potassium; provides nourishment to hair and nails, and fights cancer
Papaya juice – reduces flatulence, boosts immune system, and aids digestion
Orange juice – packed with Vitamin C
Prune juice – boosts iron levels, high in fiber, great for relieving or preventing constipation
Ginger juice – natural remedy for relieving cold and flu symptoms, high in antioxidants, relieves nausea, and prevents plaque build-up

Benefits of Drinking Pure Juice

The best juice, the healthiest juice, is made directly from the fresh fruit or vegetable rather than what you find at the store. Fresh juice contains a lot less sugar and calories while also containing a ton of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are beneficial to your overall health.

Don't let the taste of vegetable juice stop you from trying it out! Add some fruit to your vegetable juice to add some natural sweetness. Adding pomegranate seeds to any vegetable juice will give it a tangy and delicious flavor.

Try out different combinations of fruits and vegetables and you will discover a lot of satisfying and tasty juice drinks!

Read enough about best juice and want to discover more about pomegranate juice?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

Pomegranate Chinese treatments have been used for hundreds of years to treat a number of health issues. Traditional Chinese medicinal practices have utilized the pomegranate fruit for everything from infertility to thirst.

TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on four methods of treating potential disease and illness. The four methods are healthy lifestyle, medicinal herbs, healthy diet, and acupuncture. It’s otherwise known as the yin and yang of health. Pomegranates are considered a yin food or tonic. Why is this significant?

Yin is the energy inside the body that cools and hydrates the body. When this energy is low or almost gone, the body heats up unnaturally, which means the immune system could be compromised. Eating foods like pomegranates increase the yin energy and help the body become healthy again.

What Have the Chinese Used Pomegranates For?

Increase fertility in women Treat dry coughsDigestive disordersDiarrheaEliminate parasites like tapewormsTreat dysenteryQuench thirst

How About Today’s Medicinal Practices in China?

Pomegranate fruit is listed in the People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia, which is the official government handbook that lists medicinal properties of foods and possible uses for each one.

Recently, Chinese researchers are studying the effects of the pomegranate fruit on weight loss. They’ve discovered so far that mice that are fed the fruit along with foods high in fat exhibit less interest in food, eat less, and lose weight.

It’s still used to treat diarrhea, intestinal parasites and other various digestive disorders. There are some physicians and holistic practitioners in the United States who are discovering the benefits of these Chinese treatments and are using them to treat their patients.

Read enough about pomegranate chinese treatments and want to discover more about better life with pomegranate?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

Pomegranate extract, also referred to as PE, is showing remarkable promise in many areas of wellness and health. Pomegranate fruit has become an amazingly popular and sought after food in recent years. People are beginning to hear about the amazing benefits of PE and are more and more interested in what this fruit can do for them and for their overall health.

What Does Pomegranate Extract Contain?

PE contains some of the most powerful antioxidant compounds called polyphenols. These plant derived (natural) chemicals are believed to be a possible answer to preventing heart disease, inhibiting atherosclerosis, and monitoring high blood pressure levels.

The extract from the pomegranate fruit also contains other powerful antioxidants, Vitamin C, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Although further research is required, the initial findings of some studies indicate that this fruit extract could have anticarcinogenic properties that could help fight cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, and many other types too.

How Does Pomegranate Extract Benefit You?

This amazing extract can not only help prevent the development of many diseases, but has also shown great promise for helping you to enjoy younger looking skin in later years. This fruit extract is already found in many skin creams because it seems to lend to the skin a new elasticity and youthfulness. Scars and wrinkles are also reduced in appearance when the extract is applied to them. Wouldn’t you like to improve your complexion and make wrinkles seem non-existent?

Study results on the health benefits of PE have been very encouraging. The extract from this amazing fruit is said to be helpful to heart health, organ health, help to reduce high cholesterol levels, improve blood pressure readings, and help repair damaged cells.

Pomegranate Extract Studies

One study conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that by giving mice with cancerous tumors pomegranate fruit extract, the tumors were reduced significantly compared to mice given carcinogens to treat the tumors.

Another study conducted by researchers at the same university concluded that it’s very possible that PE could have a positive preventive affect on lung cancer in humans.

Yet another study performed at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine demonstrated that pomegranate fruit extract could have the ability to inhibit the deterioration of cartilage in humans that happens as a result of osteoarthritis. This group of scientist also think it’s possible that PE could be a key to the prevention of cancer.

This all sounds pretty incredible, doesn’t it? Researchers are constantly trying to find links between natural elements and the treatment or prevention of the many diseases we encounter every day. More research needs to be conducted on pomegranate fruit extract in an effort to determine exactly how this fruit extract can be helpful to our current state of health and also to our future health. In the meantime, it’s worth adding this fruit to your daily regimen to reap all the possible benefits today!

Read enough about pomegranate extract and want to discover more about this healthy fruit?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

There are literally hundreds of varieties of pomegranate across the world. Some varieties are native to one area of the world or another and can only thrive in those areas. Other varieties can be ‘transplanted’ if you will, to other areas of the world as long as the climate is similar.

During ancient times, the pomegranate fruit was referred to as the nectar of the gods and is one of the oldest fruits known to man. It’s no wonder then that people have experimented with finding new and interesting pomegranate fruit varieties. Many of these fruit trees can be obtained through a local nursery or via an online nursery. However, there are many varieties that are rather elusive and almost impossible to find unless you happen to know someone who has a specific variety growing in their back yard.

Where Did Pomegranates Originate?

Pomegranates are native to the near-Middle East to the Himalayas, but are now found throughout the United States and many other countries. Just to name a few of the other countries that either grows or has grown varying varieties of pomegranate: Spain, Israel, Persia, and Germany. The first plants to arrive in the United States may have been brought into the country by the early Spanish settlers, but no one knows for certain if the tree first arrived in Florida or California.

Fruiting Varieties of Pomegranate

The fruiting variety of pomegranate fruit is popular with not only commercial growers, but also with individuals who enjoy growing and eating the fruit themselves. The fruit trees produce rich tasting and juicy fruit, but also produce stunning red-orange blooms during the year so they are seen as an ornamental tree in addition to bearing fruit.

The fruit of a pomegranate appears to be the size of a medium apple up to a softball size. Rind colors of pomegranates can be deep red, crimson, yellow-orange, white, green, deep reddish-purple, and even almost black, to name a few.

These trees require pruning to keep them under control or else they have the capability of growing up to 20 feet in height. Most varieties of pomegranate can be pruned to a good height of 6 to 12 feet in order to keep the tree healthy.

Varieties of Pomegranate

This is by no means a comprehensive list of pomegranate varieties, but it is a good sampling of some of the most popular ones. Check your local nursery or an online nursery for purchasing these varieties.

Sharp Velvet
Green Globe
Early Wonderful
Angel Red
Pink Satin
Babylonian White
Gainey Sour
Gainey Sweet
Russian #8
Ruby Red
Foothill Early
Spanish Sweet or Papershell
Utah Sweet
Double Red
Eight Ball

Every variety of pomegranate has its own distinct flavor, but all of these fruits are full of beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers necessary for excellent health.

Other Names for Pomegranates

You may also hear the terms, “punic apple”, “grenade”, “melagrana”, “granada”, “granatapfel” or “melograno” to refer to pomegranate fruit. Depending on where you are in the world, this fruit could be called a number of different names.

Read enough about varieties of pomegranate and want to discover more about this healthy fruit?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

Pomegranate juice, as an alternative lung cancer treatment, it may be one way to fight back against this horrible disease. Did you know that within the last decade, lung cancer has become the number one cancer that kills people every year? Given that traditional surgeries and other treatments don’t seem to control or stop lung cancer effectively, the key may be in actually preventing the disease from ever taking hold.

Researchers are beginning to talk about how pomegranate juice may be helpful in fighting different types of cancers and lung cancer has recently been added to the list. It’s exciting news! Here is a little bit about how pomegranate juice as an alternative lung cancer treatment could be beneficial in fighting the disease.

In Wisconsin, a group of researchers conducted a study using mice to see if adding pomegranate juice to their diet made a significant impact on lung cancer cells.
First, they induced lung tumors in the mice by giving the mice chemicals. The mice then received the extract of the pomegranate in their drinking water. Over the span of several months, the researchers recorded their results following tests on the lungs and the tumors. They looked for indicators that the pomegranate juice was impacting the growth and the spread of the cancer cells within the mice. They discovered that pomegranates could possibly reduce the occurrence or the spread of cancerous cells that affect the lungs.

Why Does Pomegranate Juice, as an Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment, Work?

Pomegranates contain high concentrations of antioxidants overall, but also contain some of the most powerful antioxidants that exist. Antioxidants have exhibited qualities that seem to inhibit and fight cancer cell growth and could also prevent the cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. The healthy fruit, pomegranate contains anti-inflammatory antioxidants as well.

It is presumed, based on the current research and results in hand, that by drinking pomegranate juice, you could reduce your chance of developing cells that can turn into cancerous cells. The juice of a pomegranate contains specific tannins called ellagitannins. Once the ellagitannins are digested into the body, they are transformed chemically into urolithins. It is thought that urolithins may be effective cancer fighting chemicals.

The healthy fruit, pomegranate also contains flavonoids that have shown great promise during test tube experiments for reducing tumor growth.

The Conclusion About Pomegranate Juice, as an Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment?

According to a gentleman by the name of Donald Yance, ellagic acid is a powerful inhibitor or preventive method for fighting lung cancer. Donald Yance holds the titles of nutritionist and master herbalist and has written a book about the positive and effective method of using herbal medicines to cure diseases.

The research conducted to date indicates that pomegranate juice, as an alternative lung cancer treatment, could be a powerful tool for preventing lung cancer. It also shows that pomegranate juice could be effective because it actually reduced the growth of lung cancer tumors in mice over time.

If the possibility of reducing your risk of lung cancer or helping to reduce lung tumors was available to you simply by drinking the juice of a pomegranate, wouldn’t it make perfect sense to add a delicious juice to your diet and reap the benefits too?

Read enough about alternative lung cancer treatment and want to discover other health benefits of pomegranate juice?

Amazing Pomegranate Health Benefits

Pomegranate fruit (often misspelled as “pomegranite”) has gained a great deal of popularity over the years. Originally from the Middle East and Asia, the pomegranate fruit is also known by the name Granada or the Chinese apple. These days, the fruit is mostly grown is India, Africa and the United States. The best place for pomegranate fruit to grow is in hot climate areas.

The great thing about pomegranate fruit is that the trees on which it grows can live for many years. Aside from being a great décor for a backyard… it produces the delicious pomegranate fruit. Pomegranate fruit have a round, spherical shape. Inside, you’ll find dozens of small ruby-colored seeds. The pomegranate fruit has a citrus flavor and is very juicy. There are many drinks and even foods that are made with the pomegranate fruit.

The pomegranate fruit is now becoming more commercialized and can be found in supermarkets in a variety of forms. The most popular is pomegranate juice but there are also pomegranate jellies, pomegranate wine, and even pomegranate salad dressing. The wide adoption of the pomegranate is due to recent studies that have shown that the fruit contains a high amount of antioxidants that are beneficial to our health in many ways.

Its great flavor and health benefits have made it a great candidate for those who seek natural health foods.

common misspellings: pomagranate, pomegranat, pomegranite, pomegrante, pomegrenate, pomengranate, pomerantz, pommegranite, pomogranate

Research into the effects of pomegranate for diabetes has shown that the fruit may help protect the heart in diabetes patients against future atherosclerosis. Diabetic patients are at a higher risk for developing heart disease later in life, mainly due to poor blood glucose control, making preventive steps important. Pomegranate juice, although high in sugar, may contain antioxidants that help protect the inner lining of blood vessels from being damaged by free radicals and free-floating glucose. Used moderately with other approaches like medicine, exercise and a proper diet, pomegranate may show promise in future diabetic treatments.

Studies into the effects of natural ingredients like fruits and vegetables have shown that pomegranate may be promising in future diabetes-prevention treatments. Many diabetic patients are prone to developing atherosclerosis, or heart disease, later in life, often due to poor diabetic and blood glucose control. Uncontrolled blood sugar can often cause wear and tear on arteries and blood vessels, increasing the chance of stroke and future heart problems. Antioxidants, like the powerful ones found in the fruit pomegranate, may protect against these damaging effects, helping reduce the risk of developing serious heart conditions.

In most healthy patients, the pomegranate has been somewhat associated with improved heart health. Researchers studying the effects of pomegranate for diabetes treatment have shown that diabetic patients can improve their good cholesterol levels with pomegranate juice and decrease their bad cholesterol levels. A high cholesterol level in the form of LDL, or low density lipoproteins, is often a common concern for diabetics and is a common risk factor for diabetic heart-related problems later in life. Although these findings applied to diabetic patients, most researchers presume they can apply to most healthy individuals.

With pomegranate for diabetes, it is often recommended that a person eat the whole fruit rather than consume the juice, which is often high in sugar. Although pomegranate juice does contain a higher concentration of antioxidants and nutrients, the whole fruit contains fiber that can help slow down blood sugar spikes. Most research involving pomegranate for diabetes-related heart conditions usually examines the juice, yet most nutritionists recommend that this may aggravate blood glucose and provide further inflammation and damage to insulin receptors. More research is needed on the effects of pomegranate for diabetes, and future treatments involving certain aspects of the pomegranate may be developed for future diabetes-prevention plans.