Pomegranates are quite delicious and can be used in a variety of recipes. The trickiest part is learning how to eat them… or more to the point, learning how to prepare them for eating.

Some grocery chains now offer the fruit in a ready-to-eat state. Purchasing pomegranates this way costs more, but the convenience it well worth the extra money.

The biggest problem is the juice. Pomegranate juice can easily stain your hands, clothing and countertops, if you aren’t careful.

(Because of these staining issues, many pomegranate lovers choose to only eat them at home. Some will go so far as to suggest they only be enjoyed, while relaxing in a hot bath.)

Many people claim that the easiest way to eat a pomegranate is to score the skin multiple times and then soak the fruit in a bowl of water, for up to 10 minutes. Because they will float, it is best to weigh them down, slightly.

After the fruit has gone through this soaking process, the pith will pull away from the seeds (or arils, as they are referred to) relatively easy. Remember, the pomegranate should remain in the water, while peeling.

Once peeled, pour off the water. Since the seeds are heavier than the pith, they will remain on the bottom of the bowl… for the most part. The pith will drain away with the water.

At this point, it is very simple to retrieve the seeds from the bowl and eat as desired. They are extremely yummy just by themselves.

A second way to eat a pomegranate is similar to the first in the respect that a bowl of water is needed. Score the fruit several times and then cut or break into fourths. Hold each quarter over the bowl and hit the skin side, firmly, with the back of a large spoon.

After the arils fall into the bowl, follow the remaining steps as mentioned above.

Pomegranate seeds can be safely stored in the refrigerator or even frozen, for later use. However, this fruit is so delicious that it is most often consumed in one setting. Have you eaten YOUR pomegranate, today?