The history of pomegranate in Christianity is rooted in the Bible, God's holy Word. There are many mentions of the fruit in the Bible. Current day tradition of the Catholic church holds that the pomegranate fruit is a symbol representing eternal life and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.

Bible Verses and Pomegranate in Christianity

What Bible verses refer to this tangy red fruit? These are but a few…

Exodus 28:33-34 – talks about incorporating pomegranate fruit into the hem of the robes for Aaron, Moses' brother – said to symbolize fruitfulnessDeuteronomy 8:8 – the Lord is speaking to the Israelites of the promised land, which will be "a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey"Numbers 13:23 – Israelites who were sent into Canaan to look around returned with grapes, pomegranates and figsI Kings 7:18,20 – these verses refer to Solomon's temple where pomegranates were included on the pillars – several hundred of them!II Chronicles 3:16 – refers to a chain of pomegranate fruits on Solomon's temple pillarsI Kings 7:42 – refers to 400 pomegranates to represent two networks (Solomon's temple)II Chronicles 4:13 – another mention of the 400 pomegranatesSong of Songs 4:3; 6:7 – Solomon's love referring to his templesSong of Songs 7:12 – refers to pomegranate trees in the vineyardsJoel 1:12 – pomegranates have withered and dried up, joy has gone

Symbolism of Pomegranate in Christianity

What does this fruit symbolize in Christianity?

Holy robes, vestments, and church decorative hangings include broken pomegranates woven into the fabric as a representation of the rising of Jesus Christ from the grave after being dead for three days. The red juice represents his blood and suffering and the bursting forth of the seeds from the fruit represents his resurrection.

It's also said that the seeds represent the people of the church, royalty, and the promise of eternal life.

Additional Interesting Facts

Popular artwork or paintings by Sandro Botticelli, Filippino and Raphael Lippi depict the child of Christ in his mother's arms and holding a pomegranate fruit.Some churches decorate the church with pom fruits following PentecostThe fruit was used to make wine during biblical timesSome people believe Eve gave Adam a pomegranate fruit in the garden of Eden rather than an apple as we think of today

The symbolism of pomegranate fruit in Christianity pretty much holds with representing the death, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ along with the hope of eternal and everlasting life. It's not so much a symbol of prosperity as the world sees prosperity, but rather a spiritual abundance as opposed to a financial abundance.

The fact that world religions attribute the symbolism of the pomegranate to personal wealth and worldly abundance says something much different than what pomegranate in Christianity says about life and death.

Read enough about pomegranate in Christianity and want to discover more about pomegranate in religion and mythology?

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